Install Java apps offline, from PC


   1. Download Driver & File Explorer.
   2. Uncompress and execute Setup.exe.
   3. Connect F480 to PC. First time you should be prompted with a 'device installed and ready' message.
   4. Execute TkFileExplorer_2.2.exe
   5. Go to Settings - COM.
   6. Scroll down Port window: You should get just one COMxx option. Choose it and press OK.
   7. Go to File - Connect. You should get the F480 File System Tree at TkFileExplorer bottom half side.
   8. Go to /Exe/Java/Games
   9. Create a New Folder for your game
  10. At TkFileExplorer PC upper side select game JAD/JAR files and copy to F480 created folder using drag&drop or right button menu Download option.
  11. Repeat steps 9 & 10 for all games you want to install at a time.
  12. Disconnect USB cable
  13. Dial *#6984125*#
  14. Go to Internals (Master Key: *#9072641*#)
  15. Go to Storage Settings and select Update Java DB

Enjoy! ...and save money!

You do not need to change Samsung USB mode to Qualcomm. Leave it at its default Samsung mode (if you do not understand this just do nothing )
Once driver is installed, Samsung PC Studio 3 still works.