====== OpenOffice.org tips/cheat sheet ======
Stuff I often need and often forget, mainly related to the formula-editor
===== Numbered equations =====
* Enter ''fn'' followed by F3 on an empty paragraph to create a numbered equation (2x1 table, formula on left, auto number of right)
* Alternatively, use a 2x1 table and do it manually
Source: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/FAQ/Formula/How_do_I_number_my_equations%3F
===== Formula editor =====
==== Greek letters ====
Precede the **localised** name with ''%'', i.e.:
α φ υ => OOo in English: %alpha %phi %upsilon
α φ υ => OOo in Spanish: %alfa %fi %ípsilon
Quirk: in Spanish "mu" (μ) must be written as ''%my'' (despite being an archaic/rare form)
=== Uppercase ===
Write the **full** name in uppercase
Α Φ Υ => OOo in English: %ALPHA %PHI %UPSILON
Α Φ Υ => OOo in Spanish: %ALFA %FI %ÍPSILON
==== Questioned equal to symbol (≟ / "=?") ====
* Option 0: (best looking, see [[Text:Common_Unicode|unicode stuff]]) x "≟" y
i.e. →[ «''x "''», «CTRL+Shift+U, 225f», «''" y''» ]←
Previously: (Source: http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=90309)
* Option 1: In-editor typesetting: x "=" csup "?" y
* Con: «''?''» is placed too high
* Option 2: [[http://ooolatex.sourceforge.net/|OOoLatex]]: x \stackrel{?}{=} y
or ((Second alternative didn't work for me)) x \overset{?}{=} y
* Con: Not editable, Worse font antialiasing/hinting
==== Vertical line ( {x | x > 3} ) ====
==== Limits ====
lim csub {x toward infinity}
==== System of equations ====
alignr left none
stack {
{Equation1} #
{Equation2} #
} right rbrace
Where ''alignr'' aligns the equations to the right, ''left none'' allows an unbalanced bracket and ''right rbrace'' adds a right angled bracket.
Source: [[http://andalinux.wordpress.com/2009/07/25/crear-sistemas-de-ecuaciones-en-openoffice-math-y-writer/|Informático de Guardia]] via [[http://electrobuntu.blogspot.com/2009/07/crear-sistemas-de-ecuaciones-con.html|ElectroBuntu]]
==== Formula text size ====
See: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/FAQ/Formula/How_do_I_change_the_size_of_a_subformula%3F
Quick recap: (copy-pasted from the above link)
There are five variants of the size-changing command:\\
* size 20 a typesets a with the font size 20 pt.
* size +5 a typesets a with current font size plus 5pt.
* size -5 a typesets a with current font size minus 5pt.
* size *1.5 a typesets a with current font size multiplied by 1.5.
* size /1.5 a typesets a with current font size divided by 1.5.
==== Literal text ====
To write text that dowsn't display as a variable (in italics) use either "func" or double quotes (typographic double quotes are not recognised)
func Hello func World
"Hello World"
===== Text editor =====
Most symbols are included in Unicode so they can be inserted through unicode codes in GNOME (CTRL+Shift+U, Unicode code point).
See [[text:common_unicode]].
====== Reference ======
Great (official) guide: [[http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/oooauthors2/0111GS-GettingStartedWithMath.pdf|OpenOffice.org Getting Started With Math]] (PDF)